
Happy New Year 2011

I have proud to say "Happy New Year 2011" .
I Hope you have a Good Life and all succesful .


Dota 6.70b Map | Official Dota-Allstars 6.70b | Download & Changelogs

Dota 6.70b Map Download - Dota Allstars 6.70b Official recent available! As expected, the new version contains some Bugs. But surprisingly, IceFrog nerfed a heroin this version. This is quite unusual because normally the balance is made in the nextversion. 

Dota 6.70b Changelogs - DotA Ai Maps

Dota 6.70b Changelogs - Dota-Allstars 6.70b Complete Changelogs. You can download the map on the this post. Check out the full changelogs of DotA 6.70b!

Dota 6.70b Changelogs

* Added support for Turkish language
* Fixed Essence Shift interaction with Tuskar and Phoenix


Dota 6.69c AI - Dota-Allstars 6.69c AI Map | Download News & Update

Finally, after waiting for months, AI map Dota 6.69c (beta) was released fromPleaseBugMeNot and development team. This is the first map with AI AI Invoker, thedevelopment team has put much effort for this map to us have not set a large number ofaccidents (loss of memory), and improved AI of the game. This map is still considered abeta version, PBMN plans to release more maps in the future.


Dota 6.70b Map | Official Dota-Allstars 6.70b | Download Update & News

Dota 6.70b Map Download - Dota Allstars 6.70b Official Map recent available! As expected, the new version contains some Bugs. But surprisingly, IceFrog nerfed a heroin this version. This is quite unusual because normally the balance is made in the next  version. 


Dota 6.70 Map | Official Dota Allstars 6.70 | Download

Dota 6.70 Map Download - Dota Allstars 6.70 Official Map-finish available! 3 new items, 2 new heroes (Phoenix & Tuskarrand a fresh load screen is added. In addition, there are a lot of cosmetic Christmas theme. Check it out!

Dota 6.70 Changelogs - Dota-Allstars 6.70 Download | Complete Changelogs

Dota 6.70 Changelogs

* Added Ymir the Tuskarr

* Added Icarus the Phoenix

- Frostmourne bonus movement speed increased from 10 to 15%


Dota Tool Kit (DTK) - Warcraft DotA Customize

Crisgon of PlayDota just had a beautiful suite of tools that support all the tools in one application Dota, Dota Tool Kit (DTK). 
The DTK is the key meep Invoker and fast, relocating customkey key generator, improved framerate and more. Read the details below :


Wolrd of Warcrft Win XP Desktop Theme - Dota Maps Ai

World of warcraft desktop theme for windows XP
It's a cool theme for win WP include a cool wallpaper 


Wolrd of Warcrft Win7 Desktop Theme - Dota Maps Ai

World of warcraft desktop theme for windows 7
It's a cool theme for win7 include 43 cool wallpaper and sound effect


Valve's New Game Announced, Detailed: Dota 2

The rumors and speculation can cease. Valve is making Dota 2, we've played it, and it's already amazing even though it's not coming out until next year. And we haven't yet laid eyes on Dota 2's biggest innovation: a radical approach to integrating the game's community back into the gameplay itself.

What's a Dota?


New Blurpi's tale & HolyHexor Cool Video

It 'been a bit' that the two are a new DotA video, so I'm very happy when they make one.Not to mention it again, here they are,  video of 
HolyHexor & Blurpi.


DotA 6.69c | OMG-Like | DotA BYS & DotA LoD

DotA 6.69c OMG perhaps one of the longest awaited DotA custom map. But we still do not hear news Dota 6.67 ~ bob from GMOs. Fortunately, some people are trying to create their own version of GMOs DotA and there you go, and now we BYS LoD DotADotA.


AI Commands in dota ai maps

AI Commands :dota ai

Only the chosen players (notified by a message) can use the commands.

Type "-o", "-c" or " c" before any of these commands: (ex. "-oa", "-ca", " ca"
are all legal)dota ai


Blizzard leaked release schedule, no Warcraft 4!

Chinese director a few days ago, Blizzard announced the release of the Blizzard game scheduled.
In this calendar there are some interesting thins about upcoming Blizzard games.


DotA 6.68c AI Beta Release

Finally, new AI map is available but not officially, because this is just beta and filtering. Dota

But this is better than no test to enjoy:)
Changeslogs not available, but it is known that the map has errors.